
Have you experienced a life changing event that causes you significant distress?

It’s hard to talk about what happened

You have nightmares about the event

You can’t stop thinking about what happened

It feels like something is constantly looming over you

Overcome your Trauma

If you’re feeling this way, please know that change is possible! You are not alone.

Have you experienced something that has made you feel out of control?

  • It’s hard to stop thinking about what happened

  • Things in your daily life often remind you of the event

  • You experience nightmares

  • You feel paranoid

  • The event has changed how you feel yourself and the world around you

  • It’s hard to talk about what happened

  • You feel physical discomfort when thinking about what happened

If you are feeling some of these ways, you may be experiencing symptoms of trauma.

Fight - Flight - Freeze - Fawn

Facing a threat aggressively

Running away from danger

Inability to move or act against a threat

Immediately acting to please or avoid conflict

Controlled by our sympathetic nervous system, when humans perceive a serious threat, we tend to react based on our fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response. Because these 4 F’s are biologically instilled in us, all individuals instinctively use the 4 F’s to react to danger. At times, these reactions are necessary to keep us safe. However, individuals who have experienced a traumatic event may still feel the negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors associated with the 4 F’s, even though in the moment they may not actually be in danger. The trauma event has imprinted itself onto our mind and body, making our sympathetic nervous system more reactive.

Educating ourselves about trauma and understanding the way it manifests is our first line of defense towards healing. Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT) and Mindfulness-Based Interventions are widely researched approaches to understanding and overcoming our trauma. Click here to learn more about CBT. Click here to learn more about Mindfulness. Don’t worry! If you are not ready to speak about what has happened to you, that’s totally okay! TF-CBT can be effective with or without sharing your trauma story. You can find your path to joy, healing, and growth wherever you are in your journey. You are ready to overcome your trauma!

Here are some things we can work on together in overcoming your trauma:

  • Gaining a deeper understanding of what trauma is and what it looks like for you

  • Getting unstuck from your thinking patterns

  • Relieving your mind and body of unwanted tension

  • A clearer sense of who you are and how you fit in the world around you

  • Greater ability in coping with difficult emotions

  • Applying the Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT) model in your life

  • Identifying trauma triggers and how to overcome them

  • Processing your trauma in a safe space

  • Taking steps to move forward with your life

  • Identifying what your values and goals are and how to achieve them

  • Building your own efficacy and strengthening your resiliency

Join us in creating a space of healing and understanding to help unite your identity back to yourself and loved ones.